This is the new indico site. Data from 2019 to 10th September 2024 has been migrated here. Any queries to spcs-computing AT

7–8 Dec 2021
Daresbury Laboratory
UTC timezone

Contribution List

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John Kewley (STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Scientific Computing)
07/12/2021, 11:00
Dr Massimo Noro (Director of Business Development for STFC, at Daresbury)
07/12/2021, 11:05
Prof. Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary)
07/12/2021, 11:15
Mr Philip Jackson (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
07/12/2021, 11:30
Justin O'Byrne (STFC)
07/12/2021, 11:45
Prof. Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary)
07/12/2021, 12:15
Dr Jeremy Yates (Department of Physics & Astronomy)
07/12/2021, 16:00
George Beckett
07/12/2021, 16:30
Mark Wilkinson
08/12/2021, 09:30
David Britton, Pete Clarke
08/12/2021, 09:50
Andrew Sansum
08/12/2021, 10:10
Stephen Dann
08/12/2021, 14:00
Charles Ballard (STFC)
08/12/2021, 14:15
Samuel Spencer
08/12/2021, 14:30
Thomas Dack (STFC)
08/12/2021, 14:45
Dominic Ford (Cambridge)
08/12/2021, 15:00