7–8 Dec 2021
Daresbury Laboratory
UTC timezone


IRIS Overview

7 Dec 2021, 11:00
Daresbury Laboratory

Daresbury Laboratory

Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4AD


IRIS Overview

  • John Kewley (STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Scientific Computing)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
John Kewley (STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Scientific Computing)
07/12/2021, 11:00
Dr Massimo Noro (Director of Business Development for STFC, at Daresbury)
07/12/2021, 11:05
Prof. Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary)
07/12/2021, 11:15
Mr Philip Jackson (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
07/12/2021, 11:30
Justin O'Byrne (STFC)
07/12/2021, 11:45
Prof. Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary)
07/12/2021, 12:15
Building timetable...