IRIS Security Forum



    • 15:00 15:05
      Introduction 5m
    • 15:05 15:45
      IRIS Security Training Requirements 40m
      We're building a security syllabus for IRIS: - who is in scope for this? - what are the most important topics? Scope - service managers (more of a policy approach to services) - system administrators (more of a technical approach to services) - users (researchers) - users as sysadmins(cloud) - management (impact) Notes - security professionals (less in scope) - infrastructure operations (AAAI etc) are particular examples of service management * Need to train security professionals with new infrastructure workflows Topics Users - - best practice - current/modern outlook - assumptions - noticing something that is odd - contact points!
    • 15:45 16:30
      Endpoint and IRIS security requirements 45m
      Building a set of IRIS security capabilities across our sites and services - infrastructure requirements - organisational requirements - site requirements - how do we make progress?