This is the new indico site. Data from 2019 to 10th September 2024 has been migrated here. Any queries to spcs-computing AT

12–13 Jan 2023
Royal Observatory Edinburgh
UTC timezone


Activity Reports

12 Jan 2023, 13:00
Royal Observatory Edinburgh

Royal Observatory Edinburgh

Blackford Hill Edinburgh EH9 3HJ


Activity Reports

  • Andrew Sansum (STFC, Scientific Computing Department)

Activity Reports

  • Ian Collier (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

Activity Reports

  • Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary)


Report back from some of the IRIS Science Activities

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Nigel Hambly
12/01/2023, 13:00
Frank von Delft, Matteo Ferla (DLS), Rubén Sanchez (DLS)
12/01/2023, 13:20
(tying the IRIS Cloud to Fragalysis)
George Beckett
12/01/2023, 13:40
Piers Harding (SKAO), Rohini Joshi, Ugur Yilmaz
12/01/2023, 14:00
Dr Jeremy Yates (Department of Physics & Astronomy)
12/01/2023, 14:20
Fan Yang-Turner
12/01/2023, 15:10
Mark Holliman
13/01/2023, 09:00
Dominic Ford
13/01/2023, 09:15
Building timetable...