PPRC Seminars

Ultra-High Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos and Physics Opportunities

by Dr Ivan Esteban (Ohio State University)

Hybrid - G O Jones Building ( 410A (Universe)

Hybrid - G O Jones Building ( 410A


We anticipate new physics at high energies. This has stimulated building large colliders at Earth, and even higher energies could be probed with Ultra-High Energy particles from astrophysical sources. Excitingly, within the next decade there is a breadth of experiments targeted at detecting Ultra-High Energy neutrinos. In principle, these could probe energies beyond collider reach, but challenges arise because the expected number of events is small, the neutrino flux unknown, and the landscape of experiments diverse.

In this talk, I will overview the origin of Ultra-High Energy neutrinos and the proposed experimental techniques to detect them. I will demonstrate that all these experiments can measure neutrino-nucleon interactions in unprobed regimes, that presently allowed novel-physics scenarios can be tested even with low statistics, and that this can happen relatively soon
