PPRC Seminars

Standard and Non-Standard Neutrino Oscillations with NOvA

by Dr Artur Sztuc (University College London)

Hybrid - G O Jones Building ( 410A (Universe)

Hybrid - G O Jones Building ( 410A


NOvA is a long-baseline, accelerator neutrino oscillation experiment
that uses two functionally identical detectors with an 810 km baseline
to study neutrino oscillation and interaction physics. NOvA measures the
muon neutrino deficit and electron neutrino excess with neutrino and
anitineutrino beams to probe neutrino PMNS oscillation parameters. In
this seminar we present three new analyses that probe the PMNS further;
the constraints on the Non-Standard Interactions with NOvA's long
baseline, 3+1 sterile neutrino search that adapts new two-detector
methods, and Bayesian re-interpretation of the standard NOvA PMNS
results, with NOvA's first constraints on the 13 mixing angle.