Search for Heavy Resonances Decaying to Tau Lepton and Neutrino at ATLAS
GO Jones 410B
GO Jones 410B
ZOOM info
Meeting ID: 663 9914 4761
Passcode: 781387
Several theories Beyond the Standard Model predict the presence of new heavy charged gauge bosons (W′) that could be produced at the LHC. The leptonic decays of the W′ result in a high-pT lepton and large missing momentum from the undetected neutrino. Although for models with universal lepton couplings the searches for W′→ℓν are more sensitive than W′→ τν, the latter is motivated by models that predict preferential W′ couplings to the third generation of fermions.
This talk will present the results from the search for heavy resonances decaying to a tau lepton and a neutrino, in events where the tau lepton decays hadronically, using data collected during 2015-2018 pp-collisions at √s =13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The background estimation and analysis strategy will be discussed. Exclusion limits on the W′ masses in the Sequential Standard Model and models with preferential couplings to the third generation of fermions will be given. Finally, model-independent upper limits on the production cross-section times branching ratio for mono-tau signatures at ATLAS will be shown.
Following the increase in luminosity as well as upgrades in the tau reconstruction algorithms and analysis strategy, the reach of the search is significantly improved compared to the 36.1 fb−1 ATLAS results.
Search for Heavy Resonances Decaying to Tau Lepton and Neutrino at ATLAS