PPRC Seminars

Physics beyond the Standard Model in the era of precision

by Dr Shankha Banerjee (Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Chennai)

Hybrid - G O Jones 610 (Universe)

Hybrid - G O Jones 610



In this talk, I will discuss the importance of precisely constraining various anomalous couplings in the electroweak sector from an Effective Field Theory (EFT) standpoint upon considering various di-boson and Higgs-strahlung processes. I will emphasise the importance of considering higher order corrections in perturbation theory in obtaining such constraints. The importance of matching UV-complete models with EFTs will be discussed. Finally, I will shift gears and try to impress upon the audience the need for higher-order corrections in perturbation theory in physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. I will specifically focus on the importance of considering next-to-leading order electroweak corrections in the relic abundance calculations for an extended Higgs model.