PPRC Seminars

A gaseous Argon detector for DUNE Phase II

by Dr Ioannis Xiotidis (Imperial College London)

Hybrid - G O Jones 610 (Universe)

Hybrid - G O Jones 610



The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is the flagship neutrino particle physics experiment of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL). The UK is a core member of DUNE since its creation with contributions in many different projects of the experiment. One of the most exciting projects that the UK is a member of is the Phase 2 upgrade of the DUNE Near-Detector. The current plan is that DUNE will install a Gaseous Argon based sub-detector (ND-GAr) which will greatly enhance the acquired physics measurements. Prior to the complete construction of ND-GAr, Imperial College of London is leading the Teststand of an Overpressurised Gas Detector (TOAD) which has as a main goal to probe the physics capabilities of ND-GAr and identify potential technical challenges, such as the design and operation of the readout electronics, in similar environments as ND-GAr will encounter