12–14 Dec 2016
Barbican Centre
UTC timezone

List of Participants

Participant Institute Country
David Adey IHEP China
Stefan Antusch University of Basel Switzerland
Maria Archidiacono RWTH Aachen University Germany
Lukas Arnold University of Bristol UK
Dominic Barker University of Sheffield UK
Peter Ballett IPPP-Durham UK
Edward Birdsall University of Manchester UK
Fredrik Björkeroth University of Southampton UK
Alain Blondel University of Geneva Switerland
Tommaso Boschi IPPP-Durham and QMUL UK
Antonio Branca INFN Sezione di Padova Italy
Thomas Brooks University of Sheffield UK
Christian Buck MPIK Heidelberg Germany
Anatael Cabrera IN2P3-CNRS / APC-LNCA Laboratories France
Miguel Campos Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Germany
Emilio Ciuffoli IMP/CAS China
Joao Coelho APC France
Thomas Dealtry Lancaster University UK
Ivan Debono Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics France
Sergio Di Domizio INFN - Sezione di Genova Italy
Francesca Di Lodovico Queen Mary University of London UK
Evangelia Drakopoulou University of Edinburgh UK
Kirsty Duffy University of Oxford UK
Jack Dunger University of Oxford UK
Justin Evans University of Manchester UK
Brian O Fearraigh University of Manchester UK
Diego Gamez University of Manchester UK
Shao-Feng Ge Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik Germany
Pawel Guzowski University of Manchester UK
Claudia Hagedorn University of Southern Denmark Denmark
Sven-Patrik Hallsjo University of Glasgow UK
Josu Hernandez-Garcia IFT/UAM Spain
Jeremy Hewes University of Manchester UK
Matheus Hostert IPPP-Durham UK
Seyda Ipek Fermilab USA
Timo Kärkkäinen University of Helsinki Finland
Teppei Katori QMUL UK
Sophie King QMUL UK
Steve King University of Southampton UK
Tereza Kroupova University of Oxford UK
Pierre Lasorak QMUL UK
Jeffrey Lidgard University of Oxford UK
Billy Liggins QMUL UK
Ken Long Imperial College London UK
Jacobo Lopez Pavon CERN Switzerland
Louis Lyons Imperial College UK
Shivesh Mandalia QMUL UK
Laura Manenti University College London UK
Lluis Marti-Magro ICRR Univ. Tokyo Japan
Justo Martin-Albo University of Oxford UK
Marco Martini ESNT, CEA, IRFU France
Paul Martins QMUL UK
Kevin Meagher Université libre de Bruxelles Belgium
Philippe Mermod University of Geneva Switzerland
Jost Migenda University of Sheffield UK
Kris Moffat IPPP-Durham UK
Susana Molina Sedgwick QMUL UK
Leonie Mueck Nature UK
Yoshikazu Nagai University of Colorado Boulder USA
Marcus O'Flaherty University of Sheffield UK
Andres Olivares del Campo IPPP-Durham UK
Antonio Palazzo University of Bari and INFN Italy
Saba Parsa University of Geneva Switzerland
Silvia Pascoli IPPP-Durham UK
Cheryl Patrick UCL UK
Laura Patrizii INFN Italy
Elena Perdomo Mendez University of Southampton UK
Wouter van de Pontseele Oxford UK
Gersende Prior LIP Portugal
Nick Prouse QMUL UK
Giovanni Marco Pruna Paul Scherrer Institut Switzerland
Fabio Pupilli INFN Padova Italy
Alexander Radovic College of William and Mary USA
Sushant Raut KTH Sweden
Aidan Reynolds University of Oxford UK
Benjamin Richards QMUL UK
Ciro Riccio INFN and University of Naples Italy
Richard Ruiz IPPP-Durham UK
Eduardo Saul Sala Universidad de Valencia Spain
Giuseppe Salamanna Roma Tre University and INFN Italy
Mirza Satriawan Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia
Stefan Soldner-Rembold
University of Manchester UK
Fabio Spagliardi University of Manchester UK
Julia Stadler IPPP-Durham UK
Luca Stanco INFN Italy
Mark Stringer University of Sussex UK
Mahdi Taani University of Edinburgh UK
Yun-Tse Tsai SLAC USA
Esther Turner University of Oxford UK
Jessica Turner IPPP-Durham UK
Kathrin Valerius Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany
Francesco Villante University of L'Aquila and INFN-LNGS Italy
Aaron Vincent Imperial College London UK
Cristina Volpe CNRS France
TseChun Wang IPPP-Durham UK
Jeanne Wilson QMUL UK
Leigh Whitehead CERN Switzerland
Steven Wren University of Manchester UK
Fang Xie UCL UK
Masashi Yokoyama The University of Tokyo Japan
Intae Yu Sungkyunkwan University Korea
Ye-Ling Zhou IPPP-Durham UK
Stephane Zsoldos QMUL UK