This is the new indico site. Data from 2019 to 10th September 2024 has been migrated here. Any queries to spcs-computing AT

4–5 Dec 2023
College Court, Leicester
UTC timezone

Contribution List

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Mark Wilkinson (Leicester)
04/12/2023, 13:00
Prof. Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary)
04/12/2023, 13:30
Matt Doige
04/12/2023, 14:00
Dr Daniela Bauer (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, Imperial College London)
04/12/2023, 14:20
Ms Anjali Bhatt (STFC (UKRI) IRIS)
04/12/2023, 14:30
Dr Deniza Chekrygina (Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC))
04/12/2023, 14:45
Anjali Bhatt, Ms Anjali Bhatt (STFC (UKRI) IRIS)
04/12/2023, 15:30
Ms Anjali Bhatt (STFC (UKRI) IRIS), Prof. Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary)
04/12/2023, 15:50
Domonic Ford
05/12/2023, 09:15
Patrick Burgess
05/12/2023, 09:30
Mark Holiman
05/12/2023, 10:00
Andrew Lahiff
05/12/2023, 11:30
Donald Chung
05/12/2023, 11:45
Andrew Lahiff
05/12/2023, 12:15
Dr George Beckett (University of Edinburgh)
05/12/2023, 14:20
Davide Costanzo
05/12/2023, 14:40
James Walder
05/12/2023, 15:00
Alexander Dibbo
05/12/2023, 15:20
Dr Andrew Sansum (STFC, Scientific Computing Department)
Dr Jonathan Hays (PPRC)
Dr Andrew Sansum (STFC, Scientific Computing Department)
Dr Andrew Sansum (STFC, Scientific Computing Department)
Dr Andrew Sansum (STFC, Scientific Computing Department)