16–18 Dec 2015
Barbican Centre
UTC timezone

Poster List

Poster List

THEORY Posters


Presenter: Eduardo Zavanin (University of Turin)

Title: Predictions for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in the 3+1 Sterile Neutrino Scenario

Presenter: Victor Helaine (LPSC Grenoble)

Title: Sterile neutrino search: status of the STEREO experiment.

Presenter: Ivan Girardi (SISSA)

Title: Leptonic Dirac CP Violation Predictions from Residual Discrete Symmetries

Presenter: Kirsty Duffy (University of Oxford)

Title: First antineutrino oscillation results from T2K

Presenter: Stephen Dolan (University of Oxford)

Title: Probing Nuclear Effects at the T2K Near Detector Using Transverse Kinematic Variables

Presenter: Luke Pickering (Imperial College London)

Title: Predictions for transverse kinematic imbalance by neutrino interaction MC generators

Presenter: Stefano Gariazzo (University of Turin)

Title: Dark Radiation and Inflationary Freedom

Presenter: Callum Wilkinson (Bern University)

Title: Constraining the GENIE single pion production model with reanalyzed bubble chamber data

Presenter: David Coplowe (Oxford University)

Title: Isolating neutrino interactions on hydrogen in composite nuclear targets using the T2K Near Detector

Presenter: Pratiska Paudyal (University of Liverpool)

Title: Optical Readout Method of a Two Phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber

Presenter: Ye-Ling Zhou (IPPP, Durham University)

Title: The role of flavon cross couplings in flavour mixing and charged lepton flavour violation

Presenter: Stephanie Bron (Queen Mary University of London)

Title: Hyper-Kamiokande: toward a measurement of CP violation in lepton sector

Presenter: Shivesh Mandalia (Queen Mary University of London)

Title: Hadronization processes in neutrino interactions

Presenter: Ianthe Michiels (Universiteit Gent)

Title: SoLid: Search for Oscillation with a $^6$Li Detector at the BR2 research reactor

Presenter: Paul Martins (Queen Mary University of London)

Title: Neutrino coherent pion production

Presenter: Cédric Weiland (IPPP, University of Durham)

Title: Lepton flavour violating Higgs decays in the (SUSY) inverse seesaw

Presenter: Eduardo Medinaceli (INFN and University of Padova)

Title: Neutrino interaction with vertices topology detected by OPERA

Presenter: Daio Cianci (University of Manchester)

Title: 3+N Sterile Neutrino Global Fits To Neutrino Oscillation Data

Presenter: Steven Wren (University of Manchester)

Title: Neutrino Mass Ordering Studies with PINGU and IceCube/DeepCore

Presenter: Andrea Di Iura (Roma 3 University)

Title: Lepton mixing and neutrino masses from A5 and CP

Presenter: Enrica Vagnoni (Roma 3 University)

Title: Neutrino energy reconstruction in long-baseline experiments


Presenter: TseChun Wang (IPPP, University of Durham)

Title: Matter Density Uncertainty In DUNE


Presenter: Teppei Katori (Queen Mary University of London)

Title: New Physics in Astrophysical Neutrino Flavor


Presenter: Donato Di Ferdinando (INFN Bologna)

Title: Results from the OPERA experiment


Presenter: Pierre Lasorak (Queen Mary University of London)

Title: Search for Neutral Current Single Gamma at T2K


Presenter: Sophie King (Queen Mary University of London)

Title: Using the T2K near detector, ND280, to study electron neutrino charged current interactions on carbon with no pions in the final state


Presenter: Raj Shah (University of Oxford)

Title: The Tokai Intermediate Tank for the Unoscillated Spectrum


Presenter: Cotton Hill (University fo Manchester)

Title: Simulations of Scintillation Light in Liquid Argon Neutrino Detectors


Presenter: Cheng-Hsien Li (University of Minnesota)

Title: Do neutrino wave packets overlap?


Presenter: Christopher Jones (University of Oxford)

Title: Axion Like Particle searches in high-Z loaded scintillators


Presenter: Stefano Soleti (University of Oxford)

Title: The Muon Counter System of the MicroBooNE experiment


Presenter: Evelina Arushanova (Queen Mary University of London)

Title: SNO+ scintillator cocktail studies using an Y90 source


Presenter: Jack Dunger (University of Oxford)

Title: Timing Based Event Selection for Double Beta Decay Searches at SNO+


Presenter: Andrew Furmanski (University of Manchester)

Title: Identifying the first neutrino interactions in MicroBooNE


Presenter: Jeffrey Lidgard (University of Oxford)

Title: Recent Status of the SNO+ experiment


Presenter: Ashwin Chopra (University College London)

Title: The SuperNEMO experiment


Presenter: Lukas Graf (IEAP CTU)

Title: Falsifying Baryogenesis with Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay


Presenter: Jeremy Hewes (University of Manchester)

Title: Neutron-antineutron oscillation in Liquid Argon TPCs

Presenter: Jessica Turner (IPPP, University of Durham)

Title: CP violation, leptogenesis and the baryon asymmetry