QMUL Detector Development Group Industry Engagement Meeting



In this meeting we will be presenting the research capabilities of the detector development group at Queen Mary University of London, and showcasing several of the core competencies that we believe make us a unique and valuable University partner to work with.  We will also have contributions from industrial partners alllowing us to discuss how we can use our expertise to help with their (and your needs).  The aim of this meeting is to provide industry participants with an opportunity to start a conversation with us about their needs, and the conversation will continue beyond the day itself.  If you are unable to attend on the day, but still would like to discuss with us please do get in touch.

Please contact Robert Miles if you would like to know more information about this meeting and how to participate.  Please e-mail us via detectors@qmul.ac.uk to contact us regarding your industry or research needs.  
    • 14:00 15:00
      Session 1

      Presentation of QMUL Capabilities

      • 14:00
        Welcome 5m
        Welcome to the meeting and information about the afternoon events, and follow up discussions with academics.
      • 14:05
        Overview of the group’s R&D and its capabilities 15m
        An introduction to QMUL, the facilities at the disposal of the group and a brief overview of some highlights including silicon detector instrument development, pushing the envelope with novel application of thin silicon detectors, using novel materials such as perovskites and automation of data processing and analysis.
        Speaker: Prof. A Bevan (Queen Mary)
      • 14:20
        Radiation environment simulation and hardness testing 10m
        Computational simulation and modelling plays an important role in understanding how detector systems cope in challenging radiation environments such as those found in the space, nuclear and accelerator industries. I will give examples of how we use high-fidelity simulation tools (e.g. FLUKA, GEANT4) for this purpose and for optimising product design. I will also discuss some of the irradiation facilities we use for testing the radiation resilience of devices and for validating the simulated predictions.
        Speaker: Dr I Dawson (Queen Mary)
      • 14:30
        Organic semiconductor development 10m
        Organic semiconductors (OSCs) are cheap, easy to process and scalable to large area devices. As a result of decades of experience with OSCs at QMUL, we have overcome many problems traditionally associated with their stability to develop long lived diode and transistor based radiation detectors. We have total control the whole chain from precursor organic molecule synthesis for many materials through device fabrication and testing to analysis of data, as well as simulation and data acquisition as mentioned elsewhere in this meeting.
        Speaker: Dr T Kreouzis (Queen Mary)
      • 14:40
        Radiation damage in optical materials 10m
        Radiation damage to optical materials is a critical limiting factor in many sensors systems. I will discuss radiation-induced absorption in scintillators and fluorescent wavelength shifters and also in materials, primarily glasses, used as faceplates in photomultiplier tubes and in camera lenses. I will use examples from Particle Physics and Space Science and discuss the use of optical ray tracing simulations in the design of instrumentation to measure these effects.
        Speaker: Prof. P Hobson (Queen Mary)
    • 15:00 15:15
      Break 15m
    • 15:15 15:50
      Industry Session

      Presentation of industry sectors and needs

      • 15:15
        AWE 10m
        Speaker: Dr Chris Allwork (AWE)
      • 15:25
        Micron Semiconductor Ltd. 10m
        Speaker: Dr Gwenaëlle Lefeuvre
      • 15:35
        Centronic Ltd. 10m
        Speaker: Michael Hodgson
    • 15:50 16:45
      Wrap Up Session

      We review possible ways to engage with our group, from dialogue to explore how we might be able to help your organisation using our expertise, through to collaborative funding opportunities and contract work. There will also be some time for more general discussions at the end of the day. We are also available for more detailed follow up discussions with you and your colleagues following this event.

      • 15:50
        Opportunities - funding and collaborating with us 15m
        Speaker: Dr Michal Filus
      • 16:05
        Commercialisation of technology 5m
        Speaker: Dr Jim Shaikh
      • 16:10
        Opportunity for discussion 15m
        Opportunity for general discussion and to arrange a follow up to discus your needs in more detail. Please remember to fill out your needs in the google form circulated with your meeting invite or e-mail us at detectors@qmul.ac.uk