15–17 Dec 2014
People's Palace
UTC timezone

Talks, Posters and Proceedings

Instructions for speakers:
You do not have to create an INDICO account, so ignore any e-mail that tells you to do so.  Before the conference you will be issued with a speaker account username and password.  This can be used to upload talks to the agenda.  A video projector with a pdf file reader and power-point will be provided.  If you choose to upload a ppt file, please select the auto-create pdf option at the time of upload to ensure that your talk is conveniently accessible by all.  Also if you use non-standard fonts in your presentation, please ensure that these are embedded in your file.  We expect speakers to upload their talks 24 hours before the session that they are scheduled to speak in.  This is to ensure the smooth running of the event.  You will not be allowed to use your own computer to avoid any over run from one talk to the next.
Instructions for poster presentations:
You will be supplied with Velcro tabs to fasten your poster to the boards around the hall.  Please ensure that you print your poster A0 portrait format.
Workshop proceedings will be prepared using eConf (CNUM: C14-12-15), the LATEX template can be downloaded from here.
The 2013 proceedings were published in J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 598 (2015) 1, 012017.
The length of the proceeding contributions is 8 pages for the talks and 4 pages for the posters.
All papers for the proceedings of this conference must be submitted to the eprint arXiv (http://arXiv.org). For first time users, general submission help can be found at the eprint arXiv site. The web upload is particularly easy to use, from a PC, Mac or on Unix. You will receive confirmation email upon every step of the process, if you don't, it means you still have more to do. The ultimate goal is to see the full text of your paper on the arXiv.org server with an eprint number in the form "arch-ive/yymmnnn".
In order for proceedings to be included, they need to be submitted to appear on the archive by 1 May 2015.  Please note that once you have uploaded your contribution you should notify Francesca Di Lodovico and Silvia Pascoli of your submission. The workshop template should be used for all contributions for the proceedings, and this will contain formatting instructions.