The Unitarity Triangle (UT) analyses within and beyond the SM
are powerful tools to summarise the state of the art and explore
the possibilities for future new physics (NP) searches.
Given the vast amount of flavour physics results delivered in the
last decade by the B factories, the Tevatron and now the LHC,
the CKM picture can be now tested with great precision and from the
global analysis the most precise SM expectations can be obtained.
We present here also the update of the Unitarity Triangle analysis
in a scenario beyond the Standard Model. Combining all
available experimental and theoretical information on
Delta F=2 processes and using a model-independent parametrisation,
we extract the allowed NP contributions in the
kaon, D, Bd, and Bs sectors. Then in various NP scenarios,
we extract the NP lower scale as function of the NP coupling
with the SM.