IRIS Collaboration F2F Meeting - 3/4 April 2019

Sackler Lecture Theatre (Institute of Astronomy)

Sackler Lecture Theatre

Institute of Astronomy

Hoyle Building Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0HA
Andrew Sansum (Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Scientific Computing Department), John Kewley (Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Scientific Computing Department), Nicholas Walton (University of Cambridge), Peter Clarke (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh.)
Please REGISTER by Tues 26 March 2019 at
The meeting organisers consider the meeting to be an occasion for free and frank interchange of scientific ideas, as well as for the nurturing and creation of professional and social contacts. Any abuse of power or inappropriate behaviour has no place at the meeting.

The  organisers have adopted the EAS Ethics Statement and Guidelines for Good Practice. These will apply during the meeting and all participants are urged to read the code of conduct document and follow its recommendations.

IRIS Meeting LOC