- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
From each project (5+5 mins):
* Purpose
* Key deliverables
* Timeline
* Current Status
5 mins per talk (10 for Mark covering 3 activities)
* What has been achieved?
* What is going well?
* What is going less well?
* What is expected in 2019
* What activities do we already have underway that might help?
* What more do we need to do?
Individual workgroup reports (5 minutes each)
What progress have the workgroups made towards identifying key objectives
For each workgroup brief brainstorming to identify further objectives:
• Architecture (AS)
• DiRAC (MW)
• ALC (AR?)
• Metrics (?)
• Scientific OpenStack (PCa)
• AAI (IC)
• Interfaces (PH?)
• UKRI (JY?)
• Policy (?)
• Hybrid Cloud (AR)
Try and pull together actions/objectives architecture/service catalogue and work out next steps